Thursday 18 August 2016

Overview and Publications (up to 5th July 2016)

Albert Mundele Ngengi = Albert Ngengi Mundele = Ngengi Albert Mundele

Graduate Training Coordinator
Directorate of Research, Innovation & Graduate Department
& Faculty of Theology
Department of Biblical Theology
The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Email:  ;


Ÿ       Fluent in French, English, Italian and German   
Ÿ       Fluent in Kikongo and Lingala (D.R. Congo languages)
Ÿ       Kiswahili (learning)
Ÿ       Acadamic & Scholarship : Latin, Biblical Greek, Biblical Hebrew, Hittite

Education Background and Qualifications

Certificate of Excellence: Distinguished Scholar      CUEA, Nairobi                       2013-2014

Ludwig-Maximilian University                                                                      Munich, Germany
Ph.D.                                                                                                                                 1998-2002

Pontifical Biblical Institute of Rom                                                                              Rom, Italy
Licentiate in Biblical Sciences                                                                                      1987-1991

Major Seminary of St John XXIII (Theologicum)                                   Kinshasa, D.R.Congo
B.A. in Theology                                                                                                                1981-1984

Major Seminary of Mayidi  (Philosophicum)                                              Mayidi, D.R.Congo
B.A. in Philosophy                                                                                                             1977-1980

Minor Seminary St Charles Lwanga                                                           Kalonda, D.R.Congo
Secondary School (Latin-Philo)                                                                                          1971-1977

Primary School St Thomas, Apostle                                                                     Kolokoso, DRC
Primary School                                                                                                                   1965-1971

Professional Experience/Teachings

Ÿ *    Graduate Training Coordinator (Directorate of Research, Innovation, Graduate Training) CUEA June 2016 to date
Ÿ  *     Chairperson of the Doctoral Committee (Faculty of Theology/ CUEA)                             2011 to 2015
       Visiting Professor at Hekima College (a Constituent College of CUEA)                          2013 to date
Ÿ*       Senior-Lecturer at CUEA (Department of Biblical Theology)                            2009 to date
Ÿ *      Visiting Professor at the Catholic University of Congo (UCC)/DRC                 2005 to date
  • Professor at the Higher Learning Institute (ISP) of Kikwit /DRC                      2006 – 2009
  • Professor at the Chair of UNESCO (Postgraduate module)/DRC                  2006-2009
  • Lecturer at the Interdiocesan Major Seminary (Theologicum)of Kikwit  (affiliated to the Catholic University of Congo/Kinshasa)                2004 – 2009
  • Visiting Professor at the Interdiocesan Major Seminary (Theologicum)of Kikwit (affiliated to the Catholic University of Congo/Kinshasa) Kikwit  2009 to date
  • Rector and Lecturer at the Interdiocesan Major Seminary (Theologicum)
of Kikwit (affiliated to the Catholic University of Congo/Kinshasa)              1994-1998
  • Visiting Lecturer at the Interdiocesan Major Seminary (Theologicum)of Kikwit (affiliated to the Catholic University of Congo/Kinshsa)             1991 – 1994
  • Head Teacher of Minor Seminary of Katende (Kenge Diocese/DRC)                          1986-1987
  • Headmaster and Teacher at Girls Secondary School of Thuma-Matari (Kenge Diocese/DRC)   1984-1986
  • Head Teacher of Minor Seminary of Katende (Kenge Diocese/DRC)                                     1980-1981

Professional Experience/Administrative Task – Pastoral work

Ÿ     *  Member of the Editing Committee of RIBA (Review for the Interpretation of the Bible in Africa) Biannual,  January 2014 to date
Ÿ     *   The Chairperson of the Doctoral Committee of the Faculty of Theology/CUEA    2011 -2015
Ÿ       * Academic Dean at the Interdiocesan Major Seminary (Theologicum) Kikwit/DRC 2006-2009
Ÿ    *   Deputy Director of Editing Board : Éditions Le Palmier/Kikwit (Editions de l’ASSEDIBAND = Assemblée des Evêques des dioceses de Bandundu)              2006-2009
Ÿ  *     Curate in Muenster Diocese (Germany)     Nordenham                                          2003-2004
Ÿ  *     Rector of the Interdiocesan Major Seminary (Theologicum) Kikwit/DRC        1994 – 1998
Ÿ  *     Diocesan Chancellor – Secretary of Kenge Diocese DRC                                    1991-1994
Ÿ    *   Headmaster of Girls School of Thuma-Matari (Kenge Diocese/DRC                1984 – 1986
Ÿ*       Member of  Missal Translation Committee into Kikongo language
- ‘Fukimina Mfumu’ (Kenge Diocese/DRC                                                           1981-1985


A) Books (in French, English and Germany)

  1. 50 years After the Vatican II Council. Theologians from all over the world deliberate. (Under the direction of Mathijs LAMBERIGTS, Gilles ROUTHIER, Pedro Rubens FERREIRA OLIVEIRA, Christoph THEOLBALD, Dries BOSSCHAERT, (Rom: Libreria Editrice Vaticana 2016). (I participated in the process that led to the publication of this book as respondent and also in the final colloquium held on 13-15 April 2015)
  2. Manuel d’Approches Bibliques en Afrique (Kikwit: Le Palmier) 201
  3. A Handbook on African Approaches to Biblical Interpretation (Printed by Kolbe Press: 2012) 
  4. Bildsprache und muendliche Tradition in Deuterojesaja. Zur   Exegese von Jes 42,6-7 aus  afrikanischer Perspektive, Frankfurt/M.-Berlin-Bern-Bruxelles-New York-Oxford-     Wien: Peter Lang Verlag, 2003. (Doctoral Dissertation).
  1. Donne-leur des repères. Lettre à la Sœur Mansi sur la formation à  la vie consacrée, 
(Kinshasa : les Éditions Le Palmier) 2006.
  1. Bâtir une Eglise adulte. Actes des premières journées ouvertes du Grand Séminaire régional Saint Cyprien de Kikwit du 14 au 17 janvier 1996. (Eds B. Fansaka et A. Mundele) (Kinshasa : Editions Baobab) 1997
 B) Chapters of Books

  1.  “AIDS and Biblical Hermeneutics: “How to Read the Bible in a Continent wounded by Health Crisesin Jacquineau Azetsop (Ed.), HIV & AIDS in Africa. Christian Reflection, Public Health, Social Transformation (Mayknoll: Orbis Books, 2016) 39-49 (Chapter 4).
  2. “Anne et la femme traditionnelle africaine (1 S 1-2)” in Anne-Beatrice Faye – Albert Ngengi Mundele – Roger Wawa, Patrick Fabien – Mgr Raymond Ahoua (éds.) Femmes bibliques vues d’Afrique, Cahiers Evangile, nr. 176, Juin 2016, 13-26.

Articles (in French and English)

  1. « Biblistes Africains et Communautés Ecclésiales Vivantes de Base (CEVB) : défis d’interprétations » in Moise Adeniran Adekambi (dir), Bible et sujets pastoraux en Afrique. Actes du 16e congrès de l’Association Panafricaine des Exégètes Catholique ; Bible and Pastoral Issues in Africa. Proceedings of the 16th congress of the Panafrican Association of Catholic Exegetes. Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire) du 03 au 11 Septembre 2013  (Abidjan:APECA/PACE, 2015), pp.39-66.

  1. « Evoquer le nom de Dieu, gage d’une réconciliation pérenne. Une lecture de la palabre de Laban et Jacob en Gn 31,25-32,1. » in  Jean-Bosco Matand Bulembat, Conflits et réconciliation dans la Bible. Contributions des exégètes africains. Actes du 14e congrès de l’Association Panafricaine des Exégètes Catholiques ; Conflicts and Reconciliation in the Bible.The Contribution of Africain Exegetes. Proceeding of the 14th Congress of the Panafrican Association of Catholic Exegetes. Ouidah (Bénin) du 02 au 08 septembre 2009. (Abidjan:APECA/PACE, 2015), pp.77-99.

  1. « The role of Elders in Moses’Leadership and in Africa. » in Challenges to Religion in Africa in Light of Vatican II Council: Essays in Honour of Prof. Emeritus Charles Nyamiti. Peter I. Gichure, Frederic Wanjala, Nicolaus Segeja (eds). (Nairobi: CUEA Press 2016) pp. 64-82.

  1. “The Understanding of šālôm (“Peace”) in Number 25:12”, in RIBA, vol I, nr.1 August 2014, pp. 1-26. (RIBA = Review for the Interpretation of the Bible in Africa/Biannual)

  1.  « Anne et la femme traditionelle africaine. Une lecture africaine sur la mère de Samuel en 1 S 1-2 ». in Jean-Bosco Matand Bulembat (Dir), les femmes dans la Bible. Point de vue des exégètes africains. Women in the Bible. Point of vue of African Biblical Scholars. Actes du 15e congrès de l’Association Panafricaine des Exégètes Catholiques. Proceedings of the 15th Congress of the Panafrican Association of Catholic Exegetes. Lusaka (Zambia), from the 5th to the 11th September 2011., Abidjan 2013. Pp.111-136.

8.      - “Le rôle des Anciens dans le leadership de Moïse et en Afrique » in Léonard Santedi Kinkupu  (Dir), Unité et Pluralité en Théologie. Mélanges offerts au Professeur Alphonse NGINDU Mushete, Kinshasa,  Médiaspaul, 2013, 19-36.

  1. “The Vitality of Bible Translation into African Languages in View of a Deeper Evangelization in Postcolonial Africa” in Nathanaël Yaovi Soede & Ignace Ndongala (Ed.) L’Église en Afrique 50 ans après les indépendances. The Chruch in Africa 50 Years After States’Independence. A Igreja em África 50 anos depois das independencies (Abidjan:Editions ATA 2013) pp 473-485

  1. “Towards African Bible Translation as scholarship in the Catholic Church after Vatican II’ in John Lukwata (Ed), The Faculty of Theology of CUEA celebrates the Golden Jubilee of the Convocation of Vatican II (1962-1912). Proceeding of the 14th Interdisciplinary Session of the Faculty of Theology of CUEA (2012) (Nairobi: CUEA Press 2013) pp. 62-72.

  1. Relevance of basic Tools for local African languages in Biblical Apostolate: Challenge of   Biblical Scholarship and Local Church.” In John Lukwata (Ed). The Faculty of Theology of CUEA celebrates the Golden Jubilee of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA). Proceeding of the 13th Theological Interdisciplinary Session of CUEA, March 2nd - 4th 2011. (Nairobi: CUEA Press 2013) pp.48-63.

  1.  Integration of a Catholic University into its Environment” in Peter Ignatius Gichure, A.L.          Lando, Jim B. Kanakulya (Eds), Modelling a Catholic University to meet the 21st 
            Century Challenges. Essays in Honour of Revd. Prof John C. Maviiri (Nairobi : CUEA 
            Press, 2011), pp. 61-82.

  1. “The Understanding of šālôm (“Peace”) in Number 25:12”, in ACS, vol 27, nr.4 December 2011, pp. 60-77.

  1. Book Review in ACS Vol. 26, Nr 1, March 2010 [Peter Muema, The Relationship between Peter and Jesus in Mark’s Gospel: an Exegetico-Theological Study (Nairobi:CUEA Press 2010) pp 119-124).]

  1. « La tradition orale en Deutero Isaïe. Une lecture d’Is 42,1-9 dans la perspective de l’art oratoire africain ». In A. Kabasele Mukenge  (ed.), Bible et promotion humaine. 
            Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur P-M. Buetubela Balembo 
            (Kinshasa :Mediaspaul, 2010).pp. 91-110.

  1.  « L’arrière-fond vétérotestamentaire de Marie, Mère du Seigneur. Une relecture africaine de Is 7,14 » in la présence de la Mère du Seigneur dans la réflexion théologique en  Afrique aujourd’hui. Colloque international de mariologie, Kinshasa du 12-15 mars 2006 sous le haut patronage de l’Académie Mariale Pontificale Internationale (Cité de Vatican).

  1. « Le prophète Elie : Paradigme pour une spiritualité engagée en Afrique », in Le Carmel face      aux défis majeurs de la spiritualité en Afrique.  Cinquième colloque international de  spiritualité. Kinshasa du 06 au 10 mai 2007.

  1.  « La sagesse d’Abraham en Gn 13,8-9 », in Jean-Bosco Matand  Bulembat (Ed.), Sagesse  humaine et sagesse divine dans la Bible. Mélanges offerts a S.E. Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya à l’ occasion de ses  25 ans d’épiscopat, Kinshasa, du 04 au 11 septembre 2005       (APECA), Nairobi 2007, pp. 41-62.

E) Forthcoming Books

  1. African Multi Interpretations of the Bible: from oral into written communications in intercultural understanding of the Bible.
  2. Leadership in the Old Testament and African Perspective

D) Forthcoming Articles (in French and English)

  1. « La reception du concept vétérotestamentaire Bürît  (hébreu) en Afrique » in Dictionary of African Theology by the Association of African Theologians (ATA) (by November 2016)

2.      « De la Traduction du Missel  Fukimina Mfumu dans la diocèse de Kenge à la Traduction de la Bible en Afrique : Réalisation et Perspectives. » in Fansaka B. ( Ed), Mélanges pour le Jubilée du Diocèse de Kenge, 2014. (by July  2016)

  1. « Principes fondamentaux du Leadership royal en 1 Sam 13-15 dans une perspective africaine » in PACE (September 2016)

  1. Human Trafficking, a Killer of Peace. From Joseph’s story in the Bible (Gn 37:12-36)Christian Social Incounter 2012. (2nd Social Theological Forum of the Centre For Social Justice and Ethics/CUEA).

Selected International Conferences/Workshops/Interdisciplinary sessions

* Participation with presentation of papers in the Congresses of the Panafrican Association of Catholic Exegetes (PACE/APECA)
- The 17th Congress held in Bamenda/Cameroon from 8th to 15th September 2015
- The 16th Congress held in Abidjan/Ivory Coast from 3rd to 11th Sept. 2013
- The 15th Congress held in Lusaka/Zambia from 4th to 11th September 2011.
- The 14th Congress held in Cotonou/Benin from 3rd to 9th September 2009.
- The 12th Congress held in Kinshasa/DRC from 4th to 11 September 2005.

1. « Néhémie (AT) et Alioune Diop, Leadership d’engagement pour l’ Afrique aujourd’hui » in   
            Colloque   International: 50 ans après Vatican II. L’Afrique et l’héritage d’Alioune   
            Diop : le  dialogue des religions et les défis du temps présent, Dakar 26-29 Janvier 2016.
2. « Vivre de la Parole de Dieu dans les Eglises d’Afrique, principes et méthodes d’une    
            Nouvelle Evangélisation ». International Colloquium : Dei Verbum Borne Milliaire sur   
            le chemin ecclesial. Apport exégétique, théologique, spirituel, pastoral et oecuménique  
            pour l’Église d’Afrique, organized by BICAM, in Kigali, from 25-29 November 2015.

3.Respondent to the text of the 4th commission (“Working to Build a Culture of Peace”) in  
            International Colloquium on “50 years after the Vatican II Council. Theologians from 
            all over the world deliberate”. Organized by the International Federation of Catholic  
            Universities (IFCU) and held in Paris/France from 13-15 April 2015.

4.“The Steadfastness of a Prophet in Proclaiming the word of God. With Reference to  
            Jeremiah”. Workshop of the Department of Biblical Theology – Faculty of   
 Theology/CUEA- Nairobi,  27th March 2015.

5. International Workshop on Pentateuch organized by the Pontifical Biblical Institute/Rom- 
            Italy from 24th to 28th January 2014.

6. « L’herméneutique africaine de l’AT : chemins, défis et tendances », conférence présentée à  
            l’IOSOT (International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament) Munich      
            from 4th to 9th August 2013.

7. “Abraham’s journey of Faith in Gn 11:27-25:10” in Biblical message regarding to Faith.    
            Workshop of the Department of Biblical Theology – Faculty of Theology/CUEA-  
            Nairobi, 2nd April 2013.

8. “African Biblical Scholars and the Small Christian Community: Challenges of Understanding the Bible in Africa” in 15th Interdisciplinary Theological session  of CUEA, from 17th February – 1st March 2013.

9. “Some Implications of ‘Nephesh’ (the Person) from the book of Genesis in the actual social     
life in Africa” in Human Person: a center of all scientific and technological  Endeavors 17th -18th October 2012, 3rd Social Theological Forum. 17th - 18th October 2012. Centre for Social Justice and Ethics/CUEA.

10. “Religionen Afrikas”. Ein Vortrag gehalten am 20.07.2012 im Rahmen der GEZEITEN (=Ein Arbeitskris des Förderkreis Museum Butjadingen e.V./Deutschland).

11. « Hannah’s religiousness and the life of a Woman in African Tradition.” (1 Sam 1:1-2:21)”  
in God’s dialogue with humankind through the relationship with diverse biblical personalities. Workshop of the Department of Biblical Theology – Faculty of Theology/CUEA-Nairobi, 27th January 2012.

12. “The Distinctiveness of an ‘African University”. In International conference on the idea of 
 an African University, held at CUEA on May 24th  - 26th 2011.

13.  The mysterious call to God’s service. 1 Sam 3:1-21” in Biblical Perspective of Vocation to 
 God’s service. Workshop of the Department of Biblical Theology – Faculty of Theology/CUEA-Nairobi, 25th February 2011.

14. « les genres littéraires et l’interprétation comme point de départ de la théologie » in    
            L’Enseignement de l’Église catholique face aux nouvelles religiosités populaires.  
            Journées ouvertes de Réflexion organisées par les éditions Le Palmier de l’Asserband du 
            jeudi 24 au Dimanche 17 Avril 2008 à Kikwit/DRC.

15.  « L’impact des organismes internationaux en République démocratique du Congo : cas  
            d’études de la ville de Kikwit et ses environs » in L’humanitaire en Afrique à l’ère de la
            mondialisation. Journées ouvertes de réflexion organisées par les Éditions Le Palmier de
            l’Asserband au Grand Séminaire Interdiocésain Saint Cyprien de Kikwit. Du 15 au 17
            mars 2007.

16.  « Thèmes et méthodes actuels dans l’Étude de l’Ancien Testament » in Recherches dans la 
            Faculté de Théologie cinquante ans après. Thèmes et actualités dans l’Étude de l’Ancien 
            Testament. Session d’Échange organisé par la Faculté de Théologie des Facultés
            Catholique de Kinshasa en Avril 2007.

Interested Research Fields

Ÿ      *  Bible (OT) and Society: Leadership, Gender’s issues, Justice and Peace, etc.
Ÿ      *  Bible and Communications (African oral traditions /literature / inculturation)
Ÿ       * Bible and Translations into African languages.
Ÿ        *Contextual and intercultural Theology
Ÿ        *African and contextual methods/approaches to Biblical interpretation
Ÿ          *  Inter-religions studies

Adherence to scientific Associations

Ÿ     *  Pan-African Association of Catholic Exegetes (PACE/APECA) – Member
Ÿ   *    Association of African Theologians (AAT/ATA) – Member
Ÿ   *    Institute of Scripture Studies (ISS) - Member

Courses Taught at University Level

a)      At the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA)
1. Biblical Methodology (PhD + Master)
2. New Methods in Biblical Interpretation (PhD)                                         
3. Towards African Methods of Biblical Interpretation (PhD)
4. Selected Readings in Old Testament Hebrew (PhD)
5. Deuteronomistic History (Masters)
6. Wisdom Literature & Psalms (Masters)
7. Pauline Literature (Masters)
8. Socio-Religious Background of Jesus (Masters)
9. Seminar: Parables
10. Introduction to Old Testament (Institute of Canon Law)
11. Introduction to the Bible (FASC: Department of Religious Studies)
12. Theology of the NT (FASC: Department of Religious Studies)
13. Historical Books
14. Prophetic Books                                                               
15. Luke & Acts        
16. German I + II (language)

b)      At  the Catholic University of Congo (UCC)/DRC
17. Critical Issues in Old Testament (Covenant, Priestly ministries/Priesthood, Leadership,    
     Gender issues, Peace and Justice, Violence and reconciliation, Family and its related issues)      
     (PhD &Masters)
18. Exegesis/Hermeneutic of the Old Testament (PhD & Masters)
19. Introduction to the Bible
20. Introduction to Old Testament

c)      At the Higher Learning Institute (ISP=Institut Supérieur Pédagogique) of Kikwit/DRC
21. Comparative Grammar of Latin and Greek (4 credits)
22. Advanced History of Latin and Greek literature (8 credits)
23. Studies of Greek Authors (4 credits)

   d) Chair of UNESCO (Postgraduate module)/DRC
24. Human rights, Religions, Violence and Globalization

e)      At the Major Seminary Theologicum (affiliated to the Catholic University of Congo)/DRC
25. Hebrew I-II
26. Greek I-II
27. Pentateuch
28. Historical Books
29. Prophetic Books
30. Wisdom literature
31. Seminar:  biblical Methodology
32. Seminars:  one of the biblical Themes: Priesthood, Covenant, Women, Leadership…

Pastoral Work: community service

-          Preacher of spiritual retreats & recollections
-     Spiritual accompagnement
-          Patron & Member of the University choir – St Cecilia  choir (CUEA First Mass Sunday)
-          Teacher of the Introduction to Bible (Novitiate Sister)
-          Implementers Training for ISO 9001 – 2008 Standard for Middle Level Management held at Multimedia University of Kenya – Nairobi from 27th to October 29th 2010.
-          Coordinator of biblical pastoral ministry (Kenge city; Matari parish; “Bilenge ya Mwinda”, Legio Mariae; Kikwit Town, Spirituality Jesuit Centre Kipalu/Kikwit (2004-2009)
-          Member of Missal Translation Team into Kikongo language – Fukimina Mfumu - (Kenge Diocese/DRC ) 1981-1985.

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